Location Museum of Wooden Architecture in Kolomenskoye

   The Kolomenskoye estate is a real paradise for shooting in the style of a Russian fairy tale. Here you can find an old courtyard and a huge white-stone church, a village house and a wooden church, a real Russian terem, as well as beautiful apple orchards and birch trees.

   By the way, if you have chosen this place for a photo shoot and have not yet visited it, be sure to come early so that you have time to walk there longer. Here you can find out more about the estate.

   To shoot the image of a rich boyarynya, the Museum of Wooden Architecture is suitable, which is located on the side of the Kolomenskaya metro station (the entrance to the estate from Novinki Street). With an hour's shooting, you can have time to get to the Tsar's yard and the Church of the Ascension. On the territory of Kolomenskoye, shooting with birds and small animals (fox, rabbit and others) is possible.